深圳新闻网2023年7月5日讯(记者 张宇杰 陈彦如 田刚 实习生 李江婷 张达成)副热带高压携着积蓄已久的阳光,占据了深圳的朗朗青空。未来一周,深圳都将解锁“晴热”体验卡。一晴方觉夏深,时光倏忽而至2023的下半场,准备好以全力以赴的热情度过这个盛夏吧!
The subtropical high-pressure system carries the long-awaited sunshine
It occupied the clear blue sky of Shenzhen
In the coming week, Shenzhen will be sunny and hot
By the sun, we touch the summer
Time swiftly brings us to the second half of 2023
Get ready to embrace this summer with full enthusiasm and make the most of it